Five new Stone PhD Scholars appointed
Five PhD students from the UCL Department of Economics have been appointed Stone PhD Scholars for the 2024/2025 academic year:
- Brian Amorim Cabaço, who is documenting markup trends in France and Germany and their distributional impacts on households.
- Javier Boncompte, whose work aims to equip policymakers with new tools by leveraging firms’ product choices to address distributional concerns in using taxes to correct negative externalities.
- Sebastian Espinoza, whose research focuses on the effects of the free tuition policy on students’ decisions, educational and labor outcomes, and social mobility.
- Eric Klemm, who is investigating lifecycle earnings inequality across birth cohorts in the German labour market
- Ze Wang, who is looking at how AI technologies might perpetuate or amplify existing inequalities based on demographic characteristics such as gender, race, social class, or disability.

The Stone PhD Scholarship is a joint scheme run with the UCL Department of Economics. All PhD students are eligible to apply from their MPhil year onwards, and have a choice to:
- have their teaching duties halved, and receive additional Stone Centre research funds, or
- keep their teaching duties, and receive the equivalent of half their teaching duties in research funds, in addition to Stone Centre research funds.
The scheme supports economists at the very early stages of their careers and contributes towards building a pipeline of economists whose research focuses on wealth and economic inequality.